Thank you for all of your votes! It was close - but the winner is....
Marinated Grilled Flank Steak
Marinated in Party Girl's own citrus marinade and grilled over a wood fire.
6.00 (appr. 6-7 oz portion)
Cauliflower Au Gratin
Cauliflower lovers will be in heaven and skeptics will be converted with this dish! Fresh cauliflower sauteed and served in a bechamel sauce topped with cheese and breadcrumbs. xsmall (feeds 1) 6.00
small (feeds 2-3) 12.00
medium (feeds 4-6) 26.00
large (feeds 7-9) 40.00
Oven Roasted Asparagus
Just simple and yummy!
2.00 per serving (feeds 1 adult)
Again - a pick and choose menu. No need to get all 3, but it certainly makes a perfect meal. As always, please email me if you would like some guidance in terms of portions for your family.
Please place your order before 10 a.m. on Wednesday October 7th. Pick up is anytime after 12 Noon on Thursday! Have a great week! visit us at